We are where we are meant to be...

This is my first business. I’m ready for the ride. Come, join me.

Medical Professionals. They are seen everywhere; the library, grocery store, the mall, the gas station. And how do you know they are in the medical profession? They are usually wearing…


You may have even seen me. We are proud wearers of scrubs because we are proud of our chosen life’s work. Whether you are a nurse, dentist, phlebotomist, medical doctor, veterinary technician, aide or veterinarian, you more than likely wear scrubs for the better part of most days.

For each of you who works 10-14 hour shifts, this site is for you. If you work the overnight to be home with the kiddos during the day; this site is for you. If you have just graduated and have fulfilled a childhood dream, then this site is for you. There is nothing magical about a set of scrubs. It is the heart beneath the scrubs that brings the caring and feeling necessary to convey a level of understanding required to either shoulder the burden of a broken heart in the time of loss or share in the true joy when prayers of the heart are answered.

We see a lot, good and bad. From the birth of a new born baby to the end-of-life of a senior patient. We are on the front lines with the families of our patients laughing with them; crying with them them; praying with them.

How did you get here? Why did you choose “scrubs” as a way of life? Any regrets? Any plans for future change? (Face it…life often takes us on a tortuous journey and sometimes we must change course to meet the demands of life and to reap the benefits and blessings of following a higher power that has a greater and better plan than our own.)

I am a born again believer in Jesus Christ. I will often reference my relationship with Him in my posts. I have been on both sides of the table. I have lost a parent and I have lost beloved pets. I know Who gets me through each loss, each disappointment, each failure, each heartache. YOU will have to make your own decision; but I hope you will join us here frequently enough to get to know us, see His light shine through me and get to know Him for yourself.

I love my chosen profession. And yes, I would do it again. Let’s support each other with our uplifting comments, cares, motivation, stories of wins and losses, and works of encouragement and support as we face each day, and night, with our “capes” on. ..

I’m Livin’ The Scrub Life Dream! Join me on my journey!

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.